It doesn’t matter whether you are going for Arizona golf, beach golf or bay golf. The important things that you carry with yourself are golf accessories, golf bag and golf equipment. These are the material things that you take with yourself. The most important thing that you require to play golf is your physical and mental fitness. This fitness can be acquired by exercise and by warming up before playing golf.
- Exercise
Exercise is very important for all the games. Whether it is football or golf all games have their own kind of specific exercises. Exercise makes your muscles strong. If muscles exercise for golf is done properly then it will help you get the desired result from every shot it makes. Swinging the ball will become easy for you if you have done proper exercise for it. There are many golf academies. You can consult them for appropriate exercise.
- Warm up
If you are not in a habit of getting warm up before golf then you better make this habit a strong one. When you play golf without warming up then in first half of your golf game you do not get your desired result. As all the time is taken by your body to get itself warm. You should come to the game 15 or 20mins early for warming up. There are number of warm up exercises for golf. Some of them are:
- Arm circles
This exercise is for shoulder part. It increases the flexibility of shoulder and helps a golfer to swing the ball on first tee easily.
- Overhead extensions
In overhead extension take hold of golf club outside shoulder width, extend your arms around it while holding the golf club over your head and move it towards your leg. You can do this exercise for 10 to 15 times. This exercise is also good for shoulders.
- Golf rotations
Place golf club behind your head on your shoulders. Hold it with your hands from ends and rotate only your upper body to left and right. Repeat this exercise 15 to 20 times. This exercise warms up your muscles and give you chance to swing the ball more aggressively from the first tee.
If these warm up exercises done before game properly can improve your golf game. Moreover it will give you your desired shots from first time when your golf club will touch the ball.
Most important thing for every game is getting warm up. All the professionals do warm up exercise before their every game.