Nirav Modi launched its flagship boutique in Mumbai’s iconic and resplendent art district of Kala Ghoda this evening. The Mumbai boutique is NIRAV MODI’s second in the country and is a fitting addition to the neighborhood given the brand’s close ties to art and design, whether it is drawing inspiration from different schools of Art or the stunning design of the boutique itself.
On the occasion of the launch, the NIRAV MODI Mumbai Boutique was wrapped like an enormous gift box with a large ribbon bow on the façade. With hundreds of shimmering lanterns, the outside of the store looked just as striking as the interiors.
Inside, a live installation of models wearing stunning jewels from NIRAV MODI collections ranging from their Lotus Collection, to the Luminance Collection and more impressed the guests. The décor featured fresh flowers and candles, which beautifully set the right mood for the glamorous evening.
The scintillating launch event saw a mix of the city’s jewellery and luxury lovers walk down the red carpet and congratulate Mr. Nirav Modi on this milestone for his brand and also to admire the beauty of the jewels on display and the store itself, which has been designed by acclaimed Spanish interior designer Jaime Hayon.
Among the guests who attended the launch event were Bollywood superstar Jeetendra and his wife, Shobha and daughter Ekta, Lisa Haydon, Dilip De, Mehul Choksi, Tasneem Mehta, Ruhi Jaikishen, Madhoo Shah, Shauna Chauhan-Saluja, Devita Saraf, Wispi & Lata Patel, Sharmila Thackeray, Arvind & Tanya Dubash, Chirag & Tanaz Doshi, Ashika Pohoomul-Mehta, Sam Bulsara, Swati Piramal, Alex & Namita Kuruvilla, Avantikka Kilachand, Lubna Adams, Isheta Salgaocar, Sooni Taraporewala, Arun Nayar, Anindita Nayar, Penny Patel, Nayantara Thacker and Meher Castellino.
Laid out over 3 levels, the NIRAV MODI Mumbai Boutique captures and enhances the preciousness of the jewels and their detailed craftsmanship. Designed with custom furniture, all set in a luxe ambience, the Mumbai Boutique is truly a unique experience for the visitor. The Boutique also boasts of elements such as a theatrical display that will change every quarter, a bridal salon and swivelling display windows. Contemporary art from the brand’s Founder & Creative Director Mr. Nirav Modi’s personal collection, which has often been a source of inspiration for the jewels, also adorns the walls of the boutique.
Speaking about the launch of the Mumbai Boutique and the latest milestone for the brand, Mr. Modi says, “It isn’t just a boutique that I wanted to create but an unparalleled experience. It is as much about how a woman feels as how she looks and I wanted every detail of the ambience to take that into account.” He further added, “In addition to our existing offering, for this occasion, we have also launched a selection of new jewels for everyday wear.”
The Mumbai boutique is NIRAV MODI’s second in the country and is a fitting addition to the neighborhood given the brand’s close ties to art and design.