Producer Shoaib and Sadya Khan, who have been creating reality shows for ATV, have decided to do a local adaptation of the international show ‘America’s Next Top Model’ entitled ‘The Super Model 2011′ to provide an excellent path for ambitious young girls to follow their dreams of modeling .
The Pakistani version will follow the same format as international programme but there will be some differences according to our culture and norms of acceptability. There will be auditions from which 12 girls will be selected by a jury comprising of model Natasha Hussain, fashion photographer Shani of the Guddu and Shani duo, and Niche magazine’s chief editor Pashmina Malik. The contestants will participate in a round of activities such as photo and fashion editorial shoots, ramp walks, make-up and personal grooming from designers.
Like Tyra Banks’ show, ‘The Super Model 2011’ will also be giving away a grand prize comprising a trip to Malaysia, four to five pret wear ensembles from designers, a one-year contract with fashion photographers Guddu and Shani, a one-year contract with the A Plus channel, a cover shoot with Niche Magazine, Page 3 coverage, and a one-year membership to the Sukh Chen Wellness Club.
Auditions will be held on December 15 at the World Fashion Cafe in Lahore, and the show will go on air in January next year.
Producer Shoaib and Sadya Khan have decided to do a local adaptation of the international show ‘America’s Next Top Model’ entitled ‘The Super Model 2011'