India’s political party ‘Samajwadi Party’ has decided to nominate Bollywood shining star Sanjay Dutt from the Lucknow Lok Sabha constituency. But he himself has decided to stay silent before clearance of his legal complication. His close people have revealed that these hurdles could be the obstructions to his political career.
One of his close friends, Sunil Shetty has said that I am not surprised to hear that Sanju has been offered a ticket after whatever has happened in Mumbai, in November. Sunil Shetty thinks that there is a need to have new people in politics, especially those who have a heart and think like Sanju and want to bring about change & ready for devotion for their country.
People expecting him the same as like his father, Sunil Dutt. Who has given his blood and sweat and was considered the pride of the congress. He got almost the same qualities as like his father, as he always desires to work for people.
Well Bollywood seems to be happy with the decision of Samajwadi Party to take Sanjay Dutt in their party. But he must be careful enough as this highway will be full of challenges.
Bollywood super star, Sanjay Dutt will show his proficiencies in the world of politics too.