Bollywood star Hrithik Roshan has hurt his knees once again, this time while doing a dangerous car stunt for home production "Kites" in Las Vegas. Though doctors advised him eight weeks rest, the brawny actor was about and running just three days after the accident.
Hritihk told: "I hurt myself while jumping from a car. It looked really bad. The doctor said my knee would require eight weeks of healing. He said I’d be limping on crutches for at least two weeks".
A source said: "All hell broke loose and there was panic. Hrithik was in considerable pain and unable to move. And since there was just a few days’ shooting left director Anurag Basu wondered what to do."
The accident would have put "Kites" and Hrithik’s career behind with damaging consequences. In fact, papa Rakesh Roshan was adamant that they’d rather wrap up and lose out on the schedule than risk Hrithik’s knee further.
But three days after the injury Hrithik had a miraculous recovery.
Hrithik said :"I don’t know how it happened. On the third day after the accident I was running on my injured knee. So it’s all fine".
That’s what the adamant dancing-star says. But the recurring problem with his knee refuses to go away.
Hrithik’s knee trouble began when he did some daring stunts in "Krrish" and "Dhoom 2". Hrithik had torn the ligament in his right knee and continued working despite the tremendous pain. In fact, he completed the painstaking training, travelling and shooting required for "Jodhaa-Akbar" with a bad knee.
In December 2007, after wrapping up "Jodhaa-Akbar", he went to Singapore for six weeks treatment.
Commenting upon his knee problem and the recent accident, the source said: "It’s a fact that Hrithik’s knee is a cause for great concern for him and for his entire family. The doctors told him that he would never dance again.
"After his second son was born (May 1), Hrithik went for surgery to the US and spent nearly two months recovering. He was determined to let it heal properly because ‘Kites‘ requires considerable athletic movement. Hrithik didn’t take one wrong step until he left to shoot ‘Kites’ in the US."
One hopes time would heal Hrithik completely, but it seems unlikely.
Bollywood Super Star Hrithik Roshan has hurt his knees once again, this time while doing a dangerous car stunt for home production "Kites" in Las Vegas. See what he says about the mishap...