Though Fahad Mustafa seems a stylish and trendier actor on screen, but recently he spotted in Bermudas at morning TV show, ‘Morning with Hum’, was thoroughly ridiculing.
For a morning show yet it was not a sophisticated look; despite looking cool and chic Fahad Mustafa was fairly bawdy and audacious. On the show hosted by actress Noor Bukhari, where he was guest to promote his latest drama “Mastana Mahi” his apparel was totally contrasting. He was flaunting half of his legs in Bermudas and was wearing an olive colored waistcoat over a comfy shirt. Moreover, a grandma looking-like spectacle and gladiator sort of shoes were making his set of clothes funnier and laughable for viewers.
As a suggestion, Fahad Mustafa should keep up his ‘Nachley’ host like aesthetics and if he has to be quite stylish and modern, then should be modest at least.
Though Fahad Mustafa seems a stylish and trendier actor on screen, but recently he spotted in Bermudas at morning TV show, ‘Morning with Hum’, was thoroughly ridiculing.