Even though Saba Qamar is making waves in India and Pakistan with her back to back exceptional performances, the starlet is recently facing the wrath of the social media because of her latest photo shoot. The Hindi Medium star’s latest clicks have sparked outrage with many calling her attire as “immodest”. The Baaghi star appeared in black crop top with skirt and looked absolutely stunning but some people just could not take her open belly.
Read Also: Social Media Mad Over Saba Qamar New Picture
Have a look at Saba Qamar’s new photo shoot!
The moment this picture was revealed on the social media, people started to bash the actress. But we think Saba looks flawless in the photo and we know she does not give a damn to her haters.
Read Also: Saba Qamar’s Throwback Wedding Dance Video Goes Viral
Look at what people have to say about her latest snap!
This proves how hurtful, disrespectful and mean people can become, it seems like everyone forgets that after all celebrities are also human and they also have feelings!