Labour’s Day is the day which marks the struggle of a worker to earn the right to work for an eight hour working routine with weekly holidays because previously the workers were forced to follow the unlimited working hours routine without any weekly holidays which was considered as cruelty. Labour’s Day is celebrated every year by the whole world to acknowledge the social and economic achievements.
Let’s see the brief history of Labour’s Day:
Different countries started celebrating Labour’s Day on different occasions so exact date of the very first Labour’s Day to be celebrated by the world is difficult to point out. According to history, Canada has been celebrating the Labour’s Day since December 1872 when Toronoto’s Typographical Union was on strike for 58-hours working routine during the week. A parade was staged to show support to show support to the union and their strike. After that every worker union were demanding their rights for a limited hour work routine of 54 hours per week.
The history of Labour’s Day a.k.a International Workers’ Day or May Day of Chicago is no different. In 1886, the workers started the rallies and strikes to demand their right for 8 hours workday. Some unfortunate incidents happened which resulted in the loss of many lives and international demonstrations were called on the anniversary of the Chicago protest incident. Finally May Day was recognized formally in 1891 and the Congress ordered the organizations to stop the work on May Day. Further more many worker unions tried to make this an annual holiday by holding out demonstrations, rallies and strikes making their effort a success.
Labour’s Day in Different Countries:
Labour’s Day became an International official holiday after the struggle of the workers. But this day is celebrated on different dates in different countries. Like in Canada, it is celebrated on the first Monday of September since the 1880s. USA also celebrates Labour’s Day on the same day as Canada but there were efforts of switching the holiday to May 1st which was unsuccessful. However there are many who celebrate Labour’s Day on May 1st in USA. In New Zealand, this day is celebrated on the fourth Monday of October while most countries celebrate this day on 1st of May every year.
Labour’s Day in Pakistan:
Labour’s Day in Pakistan is celebrated on the 1st of May every year with the same spirit and zeal. Many organizations and worker unions participate in different rallies to show and the support the power, importance and achievements of a labour that how a labour plays an important role in development of a country. Many conferences, exhibitions are held not only to acknowledge the labour but to enlighten the people about the problems which are being faced by them. With the problems, solutions are discussed.
However holding conferences and rallies are the only things we see once a year. The matters which are being discussed in those conferences, the problems of labour and how to end those problems are mere talks every year with no practical work done to actually tackle the problems and improve the situation. Workers are committing suicide because they don’t get paid enough and the inflation keeps rising. No proper medical treatment, no limited work hours and no proper education available for his kids are few of the many problems which are being faced by the labours in Pakistan along with less payment with more work.
The above matters need to be looked in carefully and the solutions which are discussed every year should be put to practical use as they should be as they are not for making the headlines of the news alone.