Independence Day is an event of rejoice and celebration for all Pakistanis. This day holds immense importance for us due to the fact that it is a remembrance of the end of all slavery of the people of Pakistan (mostly Muslims). Preparations start as the month of August commences and each year the entire nation is decorated with flags and lights. Various events include Flag Hoisting Ceremony in provinces and capitals as well as schools along with numerous cultural events are conducted.
But do we really think we are doing justice to this day? Do you think we are enjoying a prosperous Independence Day by such actions only? Are parents playing their roles in inculcating the true essence of liberty in children?
Families are strengthened when parents teach the real reason why we celebrate the Fourteenth of August. Children need to know that Independence Day is much more than a holiday to watch parades and fireworks, have a barbeque or go to musical concerts. They need to be taught that the Declaration of Independence was approved on August 14, 1947, and why this knowledge is important to them.
Due to the holiday declared on this day, most parents take their children out for viewing the numerous activities going around or for food but do not wish to devote time to explain the rationale of the festival. And it is a pity that this poor tradition has been traveling through ages now. No one takes out time to consider the sacrifices given by our great heroes due to which these people today are having a sound sleep in a slavery free nation.
So, i believe it is highly essential that we realize what a great opportunity we have lost by not teaching the children of our homeland about its birth, patriotism and love of country. This is one of the causes why I have written this piece – trying to make up for lost opportunities and to keep others from repeating these mistakes.
It is important that all Pakistanis review the Declaration of Independence and renew their own commitments to maintain the freedom, liberty, and independence we enjoy. No Fourteenth August celebration should take place without a discussion of the fact that we celebrate it because it is our Independence Day. Parents can strengthen their families by teaching the real reason for this holiday.
Ending with a quote of Quaid-e-Azam:
“Pakistan not only means freedom and independence but the Muslim Ideology which has to be preserved, which has come to us as a precious gift and treasure and which, we hope other will share with us”