Taking care of your nails is highly important, especially in the winter season when there are chances that your nails might get dry and lose moisture. However, latest nail care tips for this fall 2013 can greatly help you to keep your nails strong, healthy and pretty.
Maintain Moisture Level
The best nail care tip for this fall 2013 is to maintain your nails moisture level. Usually, nails contain 18% of moisture. In winters, nails get dehydrated due to rough weather. So health expert’s nail care tip for this fall 2013 is to keep moisturizing your hands and nails. Apply regular Petroleum Vaseline on your hands and cover them with sleeping gloves. This fruitful nail care tip for this fall 2013 would keep your moisture intact and will prevent your nails getting craggy and rough.
Proper Conditioning
Conditioning your nails and cuticles is another important nail care tip for this fall 2013. It is advised to apply a generous amount of cuticle oil or olive oil to your nails before taking shower. This effective nail care tip for this fall 2013 helps the oil to penetrate into dry and cracked nails and skin. While taking shower, massage your finger cuticles in steam using opposite hands. Proper conditioning is highly beneficial nail care tip for this fall 2013.
Drink Plenty of Water
Another nail care tip for this fall 2013 is to drink plenty of water. According to health experts, drink as much water as you can especially in winter season. Water keeps skin moisturized and prevents dryness. It is the easiest nail care tip for this fall 2013. People usually drink less water in cold weather, which may result in skin dehydration and roughness. So recommended nail care tip for this fall 2013 is to drink 7 to 8 glasses of water in order to maintain a healthier and fresh skin.
Get Vitamin A
The nutritional nail care tip for this fall 2013 is the consumption of Vitamin A on regular basis. Vitamin A is usually present in green vegetables which help to make your nails stronger. It is the most commonly practiced nail care tip for this fall 2013. In addition to fresh vegetables, almonds and pumpkin seeds also help to fulfill Vitamin A deficiency of the body and make the best nail care tip for this fall 2013. Similarly, Calcium supplements may also help to strengthen your nails. So it is advised to increase the nutritional value of your diet which would ultimately result in better and healthier nail growth.
Beauty Manicure
Every girl is well informed by this nail care tip for this fall 2013. Manicure is the first thing that girls think of for shielding their nails from this cold weather. There are various types of manicures. Nail care tip for this fall 2013 is to get your desired manicure after every fifteen days in winter. Either you can soak hands in warm water filled with rose petals, or can apply cream on your cuticles and massage gently. You must try this nail care tip for this fall 2013.
Wear Gloves
Next nail care tip for this fall 2013 is simple and easiest i.e. to have a nice pair of woolen gloves. Dry weather weakens your nails especially when you are exposed to cold winds. The most appropriate nail care tip for this fall 2013 is to keep your hands covered with woolen gloves while going outside. It will prevent roughness and nail breakage. Also, do not put hands in warm water for longer, as it will take away moisture. In that case, nail care tip for this fall 2013 is to wear rubber gloves, while washing dishes.
The above mentioned nail care tips for this fall 2013 are highly beneficial and effective in order to prevent nail damage and breakage. You must try these effective techniques for better results.
With coming winters and cold weather, nail care tips for this fall 2013 is the most commonly asked thing by girls. However, there are several ways to look after your nails by making them stronger and healthy.